Annunciation House

Voice of the Voiceless

During its 45-year-plus history, Annunciation House has hosted over 500,000 migrants, refugees, and immigrants from over 40 countries. The vast majority of these have been refugees who have fled the violence of political upheaval, civil wars, death squads, human rights abuses, and especially, stifling poverty. Common to all of these people has been the almost categorical absence of a viable way to find protection, redress their grievances, exert their human rights or respond to the forces that threaten their lives and those of their families.

This reality gives rise to courageous people who recognize the vulnerability of the countless voiceless and accept the call to work, struggle, and witness on behalf of the oppressed poor. Through their work and actions, these individuals give voice to the poor and their profound yearning to be heard and freed.

Annunciation House’s annual Voice of the Voiceless Award recognizes the value of these voices that offer a guiding path of light in times of darkness. The Award honors the prophetic voices among us, affirms advocacy on behalf of the poor, and recognizes that such witness often comes at personal risk. Recipients live in solidarity with the poor-they advocate with those whose voices are ignored or overshadowed.

Past Honorees


The Refugee Children of the Border


Padre Ismael “Melo” Moreno, SJ, director of Radio Progreso in  Honduras


The City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, accepted by Mayor Javier Gonzalez


Olga Sanchez Martinez, founder, Albergue Jesus el Buen Pastor


Reverend Alejandro Solalinde, Mexican Priest and human rights activist


Anabel Hernandez, Mexican journalist and author


Women Religious from Mexico and the United States, for longstanding and unwavering accompaniment of the immigrant


 Javier Sicilia, Mexican poet and activist who inspired “Pacto por la Paz”


Belen, Posada del Migrante, provider of hospitality to immigrants, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico


 Gustavo de la Rosa Hickerson, Ombudsman for Human Rights Commission, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico, AND Reverend Oscar Enriquez, Centro de Derechos Humanos Paso del Norte, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico


Reverend Roy Bourgeois, MM, Founder of School of Americas Watch


His Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahoney, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles


 Reverend John Fife, Pastor Emeritus of Southside Presbyterian, Tucson, AZ


Sister Diana Ortiz, OSU, Ursaline Sister and founder of TASSC


Most Reverend Samuel Ruiz, Bishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico

Get Involved

Annunciation House is run entirely by volunteers who commit themselves to an experience of transformative service and solidarity. Some of our volunteers are local community members, while others come for a time to both live and work in our houses of hospitality. Volunteers form a close-knit community: besides the common ground of living and working together, they meet every morning for reflection; take time off together each month to relax and have fun; and often form friendships that last for life. Read on to learn about the different ways to volunteer with us.